Are you ready to make lasting changes in your well-being?

  • Holistic therapy meets you where you are at this moment in your life, and gives you the tools you need to achieve the growth and wellbeing you seek

  • Maybe you have wanted to start therapy so you can finally liberate yourself from troubling emotions and memories

  • Maybe you are more interested in setting a goal and having an experienced mentor support and guide you as move forward on your path.

  • Maybe you are curious about the mind body connection, alternative approaches to wholeness, and creativity as a way to heal.

Investing in Yourself


Holistic therapy helps you get to the root of the issue. In these sessions you are supported and guided in your process to explore your thoughts, emotions and relationships. Together we build an understanding of the patterns that have formed from living the experiences you have been through. Holistic therapy is soulful journey toward a healthy relationship with mind, body, and spirit. This is sacred work that ultimately transforms your relationship with Self. Typically, meetings are weekly or bi-monthly.

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What is EMDR? It is a therapy that focuses on the brain and how memories are stored. Through a specific treatment model it addresses the autonomic nervous system and how nervous system responses are activated. This is a directed and goal oriented therapy, while still being heart centered and grounding. In EMDR therapy we follow an 8 phase protocol, we identify target to work with, and use bilateral stimulation (Eye movement, sensory tappers, sound, or tapping) to effectively change how memory is stored. It might be the right choice for you if you are looking reduce toxic stress and internal or external triggers.

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Creativity Workshops.

An Alternative Access to Healing Through the Power of Creativity

“I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn’t say any other way—things I had no words for”

~Georgia O’Keeffe

Experience creativity as medicine.

Creativity is a powerful tool. It has the ability to help you express your real experience in a way that words cannot. Through intentional creative process my clients have experienced healing that transcends traditional therapy or other forms of coaching. The way that I work with symbol, shape, and color provides the potential to bypass ego defenses and other barriers that usually keep people stuck in unhealthy patterns. Whatever you are ready to know more about, creativity can open up your awareness. Creativity as medicine provides a framework to access your deepest wisdom, bypass ego, and show you a way forward.

Heart Art

Art Journaling

Medicine Painting

“I have had therapy in the past, but never experienced the kind of progress I have made with ‘Dr. Mac’s’ help. Holistic therapy gave me what I needed, to know all the parts of myself. It helped me understand and accept myself like I never have before.”

— Susan S., CLIENT

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.