The Art of Transformation

Intentional Creative Processes that soothe the mind, calm the body, awaken the soul

New workshop calendar coming soon.

The 2023 calendar of events is on its way.

mini art adventures.

  • heart art.

    Heart art, mini art adventures begin with an intention for heart centered presence. It includes a visualization that guides you to your inner sanctuary, speed painting demo, and step by step instructions.

  • sacred space.

    Sacred space, mini art adventures begin with a prayer or blessing for safe and sacred space to be here now. It includes guided visualization, speed paint demo, and heart coherency meditation, along with set by set instruction.

  • threshold.

    Threshold, mini art adventure begins with a visualization to help you find your threshold; the gateway of possibility. It includes a visual journey, speed painting demo, and step by step instruction.

Art workshops.

  • Soul Scape.

    Soul scape is an intentional creative process that maps the souls journey in this life. The workshop is all about the layers of You and your story. Your virtual Journey awaits you. Dates for the 2023 workshop coming soon.

  • Medicine Painting.

    Medicine painting is a healer’s codex painting. This workshop explores and defines the healing codex for you and your life. The 2023 workshop is coming soon!

  • Art Journal.

    Art journaling with the moon phases is a year long group dedicated to journaling with the moon phases. Journaling in a monthly wisdom circle to create, connect, and conjure beauty.